McGaw Technology, Inc.

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TESTExpress DIGITAL is McGaw Technology’s new, powerful and flexible digital servocontroller, designed to meet diverse and changing testing requirements.  TESTExpress DIGITAL differs from other digital controllers in two major ways: first, TESTExpress DIGITAL uses PC-based hardware, and this enables a low purchase cost, and importantly, a low maintenance and total ownership cost.  The second major difference that TESTExpress DIGITAL offers is the programming architecture for testing application development.  With TESTExpress DIGITAL’s integrated test application compiler, you can extend and redefine controller functionality, a capability that is exclusive to McGaw Technology.

Enormously flexible, chances are, the TESTExpress DIGITAL servocontroller can run the tests you're doing today... and the tests your customers will ask you to do tomorrow!

Key Benefits

Direct Digital Control (DDC), featuring a very high loop closure rate of up to 10 Khz.  Features include software function generation for four functions (sine, triangle, ramp and trapezoid waveforms), data acquisition, hydraulic controls, digital I/O and Limit Checking functions.
Provides a single channel of control for handling single actuator servohydraulic load frames.  Signal conditioning includes two DC Transducer conditioners (1 load, 1 strain), and one AC Transducer conditioner (stroke).  Multiple control channels can be optionally added to address complex material, component or structural test requirements.

Exclusive: TESTExpress DIGITAL features a powerful architecture for testing application development, providing the ability to extend and even redefine the controller functionality.  For example, if your test needs require specialized waveforms, the facilities with TESTExpress DIGITAL enable you to redefine the function generators, implementing your own test function.

The operator interface runs on a separate Windows 9X or NT PC, and provides comprehensive test monitoring and display capabilities, and includes the following features:

Real-Time XY and Strip Chart displays, with user-selectable channels for the X and Y axes.  This allows users to dynamically adjust range and offset of each axis, as well as auto-range the display.  Users can dynamically pan and zoom the display, including zooming a user-selected region.

Real-Time DVM displays:  Users may select up to four channels for concurrent, real-time display.  The digital volt-meter (DVM) type of display provides peak/valley as well as time-continuous readout of four channels, in the engineering units the user has chosen.

Integrated Test Development Environment: the TESTExpress DIGITAL controller features an integrated application editor and compiler, enabling rapid application development for your unique testing needs.  User applications can extend and redefine the controller’s functionality.

TESTExpress.  It's not just better than what you're using today, it's a generation ahead!

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Copyright © 2002 McGaw Technology, Inc.
Last modified: 02/27/02